Too much information?

Is there too much whisky information flying around these days?  Are we becoming overwhelmed – or distracted – by excessive information about each release that ultimately obscures our appreciation and enjoyment of the whisky?  Has whisky trivia become too trivial?

Earlier this week, I was re-writing the Whisky & Wisdom “Whisky Quiz” which I refresh and update semi-regularly.  Designed and intended as a fun way for whisky drinkers to test their knowledge, the questions certainly separate the novices from the hardcore enthusiasts.  (If you’d like to try Whisky & Wisdom’s latest Whisky Quiz and put your whisky knowledge to the test, you can try our quiz here).  My rule is that the questions have to come off the top of my head – that is, I rely on my own knowledge, and I don’t research or go looking for impossible questions.  I figure that if I know the answers, then other people must know them, too.  However, whilst conceiving the questions and answers this time around, it became very apparent to me just how much information is out there and available to today’s whisky drinker.   And I pondered:  Is there too much information? 

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